Our team "interstellarSEO", offers ready-made SEO packages that are perfect for your website. You won't have to deal with and learn the intricacies of SEO: we will find a flawless and unique solution specifically for the needs of your business. How do we differ from others?
- Our services cost less...
...because we are a completely digital company: we do not spend money on expensive offices in elite buildings in the city center with a view of the ocean. We don't buy cookies and coffee machines and don't waste time on endless meetings that are only needed to show our significance. We focus on real work, not on impressions and image: we only have a back office in California, and that's it.
- We really focus on "advanced technical SEO"...
...we check 237 technical factors on your website that affect security, performance, accessibility, speed, page optimization, weight, crawling, and indexing - all of which have a serious impact on SEO. At the same time, other agencies call 70-90 technical factors "advanced technical SEO" and offer it at much higher prices.
- we offer fixed prices...
...which guarantees you that the price will not change depending on the "niche", "situation" or "context" of your website, business sector, or the number of employees in your company, as usually happens with other SEO agencies. Our prices are the same for everyone and they are fixed.
Let's work, not talk!
For successful promotion of each individual website, it is necessary to take at least three steps:
- Technical SEO
- Content SEO
- Off-Page SEO
All our packages always include these steps.