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Духовный Наставник. Духовность. Обучение Мирозданию - Online learning, Master classes and trainings в USA

🌌 Knowledge for those who have long wanted to go beyond the ordinary, uncover their true selves, learn and see more

● Multidimensional nutrition, how to live consciously and what to eat in the new era
● How to live at high frequencies in cities and high-rise buildings, how to achieve full awakening
● Contact with people and frequencies during communication, communication with people and their influence on you, environment
● How to work through blocks, negative programs, and untie karmic knots?
● Chakra system, opening of energy centers, how chakras work in new dimensions, structure of energy centers
● What is the Soul, Spirit. Quantum physics, metaphysics, trinity: Body, Soul, Spirit
● What are egregores, Informational and Energetic fields and how to interact with them
● What is Quantum transition and Energies of the new era, transition tips
● 5 main dimensions of our reality, how they look and function
● Individual Spiritual and energy practices
● Individual meditations in the flow of healing blocks and searching for keys to problem-solving
● Tarology in the new era
● Magic training: Ecological magic of the new era; Nature magic; Elemental magic; Herb magic; Candle magic; Symbol magic.
● Difference between God and Creator, Gods and who they are, truth about religions, analysis of myths
● How to learn to read the space and hear answers directly from the Earth/Universe field
🟣 ANY of your individual desires and requests for learning in the flow

In the lessons, you will receive multidimensional, high-frequency and multidimensional information from the flow. It's time to change your life

Training during online meetings, or you can purchase ready-made audio and video lessons, master classes
∞ Contact on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/white8raven8/
∞ or Telegram/Viber/WhatsApp at +380974020409
P.S. All prices are individual

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