Italian language lessons +393271737014
Хотите улучшить свои шахматные навыки и выигрывать больше партий? Меня зовут Комильжон Азизов, я профессиональный тренер по шахматам и мастер FIDE (AIM) с опытом более трех лет. За это время я обучил...
🌌 Knowledge for those who have long wanted to go beyond the ordinary, uncover their true selves, learn and see more ● Multidimensional nutrition, how to live consciously and what to eat in the new...
Experience and Education: - More than 3 years of experience. - Education: Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, MAN, National University of Water Management and Nature Use. Teaching Methods: I practi...
Online classes for children and adults studying Russian as a foreign language! 📚 Hello, my name is Veronica. 👋 I am a certified teacher of Russian language and literature. 🦉 I have extensive experi...
Individual online chess lessons for children from 3 years old Candidate Master of Sports, higher education, played a draw with the world champion Anatoly Karpov online (in Zoom format, not against Sky...
Online Russian language classes for bilingual children and those studying Russian as a foreign language: exciting and effective! Russian language is considered one of the most difficult languages to...
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