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avatarВладимир Верлинский

Английский Без Напряга - Онлайн-уроки и Видеокурсы - Foreign languages, Online learning в USA

I will help you master American English. I will teach even the most "untrainable" how to understand by ear and confidently speak.

My experience in successful adult education is 33 years. I teach based on American movies and TV series, without boring and unnecessary theory.

I am a teacher-methodologist, online tutor, personal trainer, guide, and English language coach.

I will lead you to results in the shortest and most comfortable way.

I not only teach, but also train, guide, support, advise, and motivate.

My goal and mission is to turn learning English from a struggle into an entertaining experience with quick results.

Throughout all these years, I gather, study, test, and implement advanced teaching methods.

In collaboration with American colleagues, I have developed and implemented a methodological system for teaching adults Quick English Without Stress™.

Hundreds of my students, ranging in age from 14 to 72 years old, have already mastered English using this unique super-effective method. Many of them started from scratch. Join us. Sign up for a trial online lesson.

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