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avatarAlex Durov

Создание сайтов и ботов на PHP (Laravel) и Vue.js - Web design, SEO-promoting в USA

Website and bot development with PHP (Laravel) and Vue.js

We offer a full range of services for the development and support of websites on our own CMS, as well as on popular content management systems (Joomla, WordPress, MODx, OpenCart, OcStore, etc.). Our services include:

Code correction and virus treatment
Transfer to another hosting and content population
Design correction and search engine optimization
Website speed optimization up to 90-100% according to Google Speed
Why choose us?

Experience since 2011: We work full-time and have rich experience in web development.
Modern technologies: We use PHP (Laravel) and Vue.js to create high-quality solutions.
Happy clients: We have many successful projects and positive reviews.
Contact us for a free consultation!

Learn more by searching for "ByWeb web studio" in any popular search engine.

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