avatarElizaveta Kostukova
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avatarElizaveta Kostukova

Логистическая компания в Китае 117 Cargo Team предлагает свои услуги - International delivery в USA

Welcome to 117 Cargo Team!
We are a company - an intermediary in China, Guangzhou, which has been working in the field of procurement, sales, and freight transportation for 12 years.
Our services:

  • Finding goods, factories and niche analysis
  • Establishing contact with the factory
  • Processing all documents
  • Delivery of your goods to your door
    If you want to start a business with China or are looking for a reliable transport company - feel free to contact us.
    We will give you what you want.

For all inquiries, please contact me at: kostukovaelizaveta09@gmail.com
Telegram: +380688951838

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