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Русскоязычное и национальное ТВ ETVNET (через интернет) - Tourism and recreation в USA

Connect and watch Russian-language internet TV ETVNET!
Stop overpaying for cable TV! If you have internet at home, for just $25/month* you can watch over 200 channels of live broadcast, record live TV for 14 days, have access to a 15-year archive without commercials, and receive a set-top box as a gift!
The latest movies and TV shows, time shifting, HD broadcasting quality, intuitive interface, phone tech support. ETVNET has been providing legal and quality service to its customers for 15 years!
Watch on ETVNET set-top box, SMART TV, ANDROID devices, and on any mobile devices.
Subscribe for a year to the Unlimited plan and get a set-top box for free! Watch for free for the first 2 weeks!
ATTENTION: In honor of the company's 15th anniversary, subscribe to the Jubilee plan for just $15 per month! Watch all channels live, record live TV for 14 days and have access to 20 hours of Archive every month with the Jubilee plan.

• By subscribing for a year

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