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Индивидуальное психологическое сопровождение от Пармананда (ВЕИП) - Psychic в USA

Individual psychological support from Parmananda (VEIP)

Access to a psychologist: all day long psychologist availability.
Consultation with employees: 30 minutes each depending on the goal.
Reading: Human design, natal chart, astrological forecast (for those who believe).
Correction: "destiny" in the moment (for those who do not believe in astrological forecast).
3 months of psychological support: autism, schizophrenia are not considered, possible cases of bipolar affective disorder, the cost is doubled.
Getting rid of addictions: drug addiction, toxic relationships.
Analytical analysis and neutralization: crisis situations in the company (recommendations during personal interaction).

11 online sessions of extended duration cost $2100 USD, or the equivalent in another currency.
1 installation session - $100 USD, not payable in case of contract signing.
One-time consultations are not provided, we work for results, contract signing only after a preliminary interview.

Link for registration (https://forms.gle/FQ53VcrAHe42Jpza7) 🔗 (please fill out the form)

Email: parmanandarya2019@gmail.com
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/qr/AJRY7JJB4NCYD1

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